Office Location & Parking Details

Location Details
Our Office is located at 2502 W. Colorado Avenue. It is a 3-story old brick building known as the Templeton building, on the corner of 25th and Colorado Ave.
Access from Highway 24: The easiest way to access the office is from HWY 24 - Take the 26th Street exit towards Colorado Avenue.
If you are heading EAST on Highway 24 (towards I-25) , turn LEFT on 26th St.
If you are heading WEST on Highway 24 (towards Manitou Springs), turn RIGHT on 26th St.
Once on 26th St - continue ACROSS Colorado Ave. to access the free parking lot - it is to your right as the road ends. Drive to the last parking area as this is closest to the building. Go through the little alley located in the corner of the parking area - this will take you to 25th St. Turn to your right, and walk to the entrance door.
Parking Options
There used to be a couple free parking lots in Old Colorado City, but those have very recently been changed to paid parking! The closest lot is directly behind the Templeton Building and can be accessed either from 26th Street, or by taking 25th St. to Pikes Peak Avenue (1 block north of Colo. Ave., runs parallel to Colorado Ave.). Take a LEFT on Pikes Peak and the driveway for the parking lot will be immediately on your left.
Along West Colorado Ave., and the surrounding streets is metered parking. You can use coins or a credit card.
Make sure to pay for enough time for your session! A 2-hr minimum is recommended for shorter sessions, a 4-hr minimum is recommended for longer sessions.
If you search a couple blocks off the main street, there are residential streets available for parking. The easiest one is 25th Street, head past the office and just one block up you will see that both sides of the street are available for parking.
It is highly recommended to give yourself 20-30 minutes of time to both FIND parking, and then walk to the office.
Keep in mind that Old Colorado City is a popular area for residents at all times of the year, but is particularly busy due to high tourist traffic in the summer.
Building Access
The building entrance is located on 25th St., about halfway
in the middle of the Templeton Building. Dr. Fredi's office
is located on the 2nd floor, and there are ONLY stairs - no
IMPORTANT! This is a picture of the door you are looking for! There is a key pad on the exterior door, and you will need to text or call your practitioner when you arrive at the door. (719) 800-7282